Nov 5, 2009

Evaluating Mourning - Mourning a Friend

My friend Freddy died this week. I question myself even as I write "my friend". Perhaps he was simply a close acquaintance. But he felt like a friend. There isn't really anything I can say about him that has not been said in the past three days my many, many people. I am struck by how many people use the same words to describe him - beautiful, welcoming, polite, genuine, vibrant and friend. And everyone mentions that smile.
Someone posted on Facebook, "Freddie had a unique gift for making every other person feel quite special." That really says it all. That gift is why I call him friend. I miss him.
Reading what so many have said about Freddy and thinking about how special he always made me feel challenges me and inspires me. Thinking of Freddy inspires me to be better, happier and more intentional.
Peace and love to you Freddy. Please watch over me, and all of your friends, and continue to inspire me.
March 26 1985 - November 3 2009


  1. What is interesting about this to me is that I am typically such an emotional dirt clod - not easily inspired, not emotive. But I don't think I can or should disregard this persistent feeling. I think I should allow myself to mourn and to be inspired.

  2. Absolutely! And you are not an emotional dirt clod!
