Oct 22, 2008

I'm just sayin'

I order a torta. Then menu says what is on the torta. Halfway through, I notice my sandwich is missing pickles. Pickles were a deciding factor in ordering this sandwich. I really love pickles (and most things involving salt and vinegar.) I ask for my pickles, patiently eating my salad while the server goes to get them. The kitchen is out of pickles, which is why they didn't put them on my sandwich. It was a Cuban torta, of which pickles are a key ingredient. If the kitchen is out of an ingredient listed on the menu as a component of the dish, the server, and then the patron, should be so advised. I would have picked something different. I'm just sayin'.
That was some good sangria though.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, at least you had sangria :o)

    I love me some pickles, too, and I would have wanted the heads up that the pickles would be missing.
